How to create a personal blog using Quarto

A quick tutorial on how to create a personal blog using quarto.


Piyayut Chitchumnong


July 9, 2022


Quarto is an open-source software for rendering a plain text file into a variety of formats (HTML file, MS word, etc.). It can execute code (python, R, julia) which means we can include codes and also their outputs i.e. graph, table, and model results. This is perfect for technical writing. Please see more details about quarto on Alison Hill’s blog or the official website.

Quarto can render .md(markdown), .rmd(Rmarkdown), .ipynb(jupyter notebook) file. However, quarto has its own file extension called .qmd. Basically, .qmd has 2 parts:

  • metadata: yml format defined at the top of document to customize .qmd result
  • body: markdown for text rendering and code chunk for code execution

This is similar to .rmd with slightly different syntax.

Like Rmarkdown, we can use quarto to generate a website, blog or book. In this post, I summarize minimum steps for make a personal blog up and running. However, there are also other resources you should check out i.e. Beatriz Milz’s blog.

Initial Setup

Install quarto

Download the installer from this link and install the program. Next select your editor tools i.e. VSCode or Jupyter or Rstudio. In this tutorial, I use VScode. For user who use other tools, you still can follow this tutorial, just to be careful about the path.

Create new project

  • Create a new folder for your project and rename as you will.
  • Go to the folder and open VScode.
  • Open Extension and install Quarto extension. This extension will help us working with quarto i.e. syntax highligh, execution buttons, etc.
  • Open new terminal, and create a new project using quarto command as follows
quarto create-project --type website:blog


  • the command is slightly different the official document where we do not specify folder name since we are already in the folder.
  • argument --type website:blog is used to create a folder with necessary files for a blog website. We will go and edit one by one.

Important files are:

  • _quarto.yml a config for whole website i.e. title, format, navbar
  • index.qml landing page.
  • about.qml about page.
  • styles.css a css file for styling the website.
  • post a folder post contains all posts.
    • _metadata.yml a metadata used for all posts.

Preview the blog using bash command

# make sure that you are in the project root folder
quarto preview

Edit _quarto.yml

_quarto.yml is a yml config file for overall blog’s behavior. The defaults config is sufficient, but you can further customize and add functionalities of your blog i.e. add favicon, select search mode, customize navbar, add google analytics, etc. For greater details, please see official documents

# _quarto.yml
# the rest metadata is suppressed for brevity
  type: website

  title: <TITLE>
  favicon: <PATH TO FILE>
  search: true
      - text: "About"
        href: about.qmd
      - icon: github
        href: <LINK>

Edit index.qmd

index.qmd file located at the root of project is a landing page for all blog posts. Basically, it is a .qmd file with only metadata and no content. Please see link for more details.

# index.qmd
# the rest metadata is suppressed for brevity
title: <TITLE>
  contents: posts
  sort: "date desc"
  type: default
  categories: true
  sort-ui: false
  filter-ui: false
page-layout: full
title-block-banner: true

Edit about.qmd

about.qmd is a .qmd for simple about page. We can change title, image, template social media link in metadata section. In general, I recommend to put the image file in the same folder as .qmd file in this case is the project’s root. For template, there are 5 options to choose from which are jolla, trestles, solana, marquee, broadside. Choose the one you like. Next edit your social media information i.e. twitter account, linkedin or github.

The body of about page i.e. desicription, education, work experience, skill, etc. can be edited as normal markdown file. See the official document for more details.

# about.qmd
# the rest metadata is suppressed for brevity
title: <TITLE>
  template: jolla # jolla trestles, solana, marquee, broadside 
  image: profile.jpg
    - icon: twitter
      text: twitter
    - icon: github
      text: Github

Put all information as you need ...

## Education

## Work Experience

## Skill

Edit _metadata.yml

._metadata.yml is a yml file that will be used in every .qmd files under the same folder. This will be a good place to set global or common parameters in metadata section.

Standard workflow

Activate preview mode

we can preview our entire blog by running quarto cli command.

quarto preview

I recommend to run this command when we working on the project. This is good for interactive purpose as quarto will re-render every time you save a file and we can see the changes thruogh the browser. However, when we finish editing, we need to render before publishg the website as discussed later.

Create a blog post

To add a new post

  • Create a folder under the posts folder. I recommend to use a date time slug followed by a breif description.
  • Create a filename index.qmd. Note other formats .md, .rmd, .ipynb should work also.
  • Edit index.qmd both metadata and body.
# a .qmd file: metadata
# the rest metadata is suppressed for brevity
title: "How to create a personal blog using Quarto"
author: "Piyayut Chitchumnong"
description: | 
  A quick tutorial on how to create a personal blog using quarto.
date: "2022-07-09"
categories: [quarto, tutorial]
  • It is a good practice for having a cover picture. We can accomplish this by
    • put an image file in the same folder of the post.
    • rename the image as feature.png or feature.jpg.
    • use ![](<FILENAME>) in the top of body section

Polishing the blog

Edit css and theme

When the project was initialized, default theme is cosmo and css used is styles.css which is a blank css file. We can adjust our blog’s look and feel by changing theme and edit styles.css.

# default _quarto.yml
# the rest metadata is suppressed for brevity
    theme: cosmo
    css: styles.css
  • theme: There are 25 built-in theme. Please see bootswatch for preview. We can change them by editing _quarto.yml
# _quarto.yml
# the rest metadata is suppressed for brevity
    theme: sandstone
    css: styles.css
  • css: For advance css users, the blog’s look can be further fine-tune by editting styles.css file. One common way to use css is to use custom fonts. In this case, I use google font that support Thai fonts. The file styles.css is editted as follows
/* editted styles.css */
@import url('');
@import url('');

  font-family: 'Bai Jamjuree', sans-serif;

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
  font-family: 'Athiti', sans-serif;

Create new listing page

The default gives you two pages: blog listing page and about page. However, you can add new page i.e. projects or talk page by following:

  • Create a new folder at the root i.e. projects or talks
  • Create a new .qmd file i.e. projects.qmd
  • Edit .qmd as a listing page as you wish
  • Edit _quarto.yml to include the new page in navbar.
# _quarto.yml
# the rest metadata is suppressed for brevity
      - text: "Projects"
        href: projects.qmd
  • Create a new post (subfolder) for each project using .qmd file under the new folder. Similar way to create a post.

Add comments

We can allow reader to comment or share their thoughts on our blog. There are 3 methods supported by quarto:, Utterances and Giscus. We adopt utterances due to its simplicity. We just need a github repo. To activate comment widget, we edit _quarto.yml by adding our github repo as example below. The github repo is simply used as a storage of user comments in issues section. See link for more details of all three methods.

# _quarto.yml
# the rest metadata is suppressed for brevity
      repo: <github-repo>


There are many options for hosting a blog as described in the official document. We select GitHub Pages approach same as this blog.

  • edit _quarto.yml
# _quarto.yml
# the rest metadata is suppressed for brevity
  type: website
  output-dir: docs
  • render the project
# make sure that the working directory is at the project root folder.
quarto render
  • create .nojekyll
# windows
ni .nojekyll
# mac or linux
touch .nojekyll
  • create a github repo and publish/push the project

  • edit github setting

    • go to the github repo.
    • select setting tab.
    • select Pages sidebar menu.
    • at source section, select branch: main and folder: docs
    • click save.


I hope this post help you create your personal or organizational blog using quarto. However, to master quarto need practices and the official document is an excellent resource. There are other topics not convered here. For example how to write .qmd file, how to custom computation chunk, how to render in varios formats. Please read the official documents and github repo of quarto website.