How to make a bar race using R and echarts

A walkthrough of how to make a bar race chart using R and echarts.


Piyayut Chitchumnong


August 10, 2022


In the previous post, I show how to make an animated gapminder chart R, echarts and echarts4r package. In this post, I will show how to make another animated chart called a bar race like this one where we want to show how population of individual countries have changed overtime. Let’s get start.

Step 0: Load packages

First, we load required R packages as follows

# install package if you do not have them install.package
library(WDI) # gapminder data
library(countrycode) # for mapping continent
library(echarts4r) # make echarts using R
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) # data manipulation
library(tidyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) # handling na
library(purrr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) # functional programming
library(listviewer) # view nested list

Step 1: Data Preparation

Next step is to load data and transform data for data visualization. We use WDI package by Vincent Arel-Bundock that can download Worldbank data using R function call. We also use countrycode by the same author for mapping continent information of each country.

We can download data from using WDI function by giving an indicator for total population is SP.POP.TOTL.

df <- WDI(indicator = "SP.POP.TOTL", extra = TRUE) |> # get data
  rename(pop = SP.POP.TOTL) |> # simplify name
  as_tibble() |> # convert to tibble
  mutate(pop = round(pop/1e6, 0)) |> # change unit to millions
  arrange(year, -pop) # reorder by year

Let’s explor our data.

#> # A tibble: 16,492 × 13
#>    iso2c country   pop  year status lastu…¹ iso3c region capital longi…² latit…³
#>    <chr> <chr>   <dbl> <int> <chr>  <chr>   <chr> <chr>  <chr>   <chr>   <chr>  
#>  1 1A    Arab W…    92  1960 ""     2022-0… ARB   Aggre… ""      ""      ""     
#>  2 1W    World    3032  1960 ""     2022-0… WLD   Aggre… ""      ""      ""     
#>  3 4E    East A…   895  1960 ""     2022-0… EAP   Aggre… ""      ""      ""     
#>  4 7E    Europe…   256  1960 ""     2022-0… ECA   Aggre… ""      ""      ""     
#>  5 8S    South …   573  1960 ""     2022-0… SAS   Aggre… ""      ""      ""     
#>  6 AD    Andorra     0  1960 ""     2022-0… AND   Europ… "Andor… "1.521… "42.50…
#>  7 AE    United…     0  1960 ""     2022-0… ARE   Middl… "Abu D… "54.37… "24.47…
#>  8 AF    Afghan…     9  1960 ""     2022-0… AFG   South… "Kabul" "69.17… "34.52…
#>  9 AG    Antigu…     0  1960 ""     2022-0… ATG   Latin… "Saint… "-61.8… "17.11…
#> 10 AL    Albania     2  1960 ""     2022-0… ALB   Europ… "Tiran… "19.81… "41.33…
#> # … with 16,482 more rows, 2 more variables: income <chr>, lending <chr>, and
#> #   abbreviated variable names ¹​lastupdated, ²​longitude, ³​latitude
#> # ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows, and `colnames()` to see all variable names

Note that WDI retrieve aggregates data where the world is indicated by iso2c equals 1W.

df |> distinct(region)
#> # A tibble: 9 × 1
#>   region                    
#>   <chr>                     
#> 1 Aggregates                
#> 2 Europe & Central Asia     
#> 3 Middle East & North Africa
#> 4 South Asia                
#> 5 Latin America & Caribbean 
#> 6 Sub-Saharan Africa        
#> 7 East Asia & Pacific       
#> 8 North America             
#> 9 <NA>
df |> filter(region == "Aggregates") |> distinct(iso2c, country, region)
#> # A tibble: 47 × 3
#>    iso2c country                                       region    
#>    <chr> <chr>                                         <chr>     
#>  1 1A    Arab World                                    Aggregates
#>  2 1W    World                                         Aggregates
#>  3 4E    East Asia & Pacific (excluding high income)   Aggregates
#>  4 7E    Europe & Central Asia (excluding high income) Aggregates
#>  5 8S    South Asia                                    Aggregates
#>  6 B8    Central Europe and the Baltics                Aggregates
#>  7 EU    European Union                                Aggregates
#>  8 F1    Fragile and conflict affected situations      Aggregates
#>  9 OE    OECD members                                  Aggregates
#> 10 S1    Small states                                  Aggregates
#> # … with 37 more rows
#> # ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

We will create two data frame for futher uses where one is for total population called df_world and the other one is for indivudal country called df_country. We also want to know the continent of country instead of region so we join continent information using codelist from countrycodes package.

df_world <- df |> filter(iso2c == "1W")

df_country <- df |>
  filter(region != "Aggregates") |>
  drop_na(pop) |>
  left_join(codelist[, c("iso2c", "continent")], by = "iso2c")

As we join data, we should check whether there is missmatch. We found that there are two countries that do not have continent which are Channel Islands and Kosovo. Since they are in Europe, we correct it and save it to df_country.

df_country |> filter( |> count(iso2c, country)
#> # A tibble: 2 × 3
#>   iso2c country             n
#>   <chr> <chr>           <int>
#> 1 JG    Channel Islands    62
#> 2 XK    Kosovo             62
df_country <- df_country |>
  mutate(continent = if_else(, "Europe", continent))

As a final data, we will visualize total population of 216 countries from 1960 - 2021.

df_country |> count(country)
#> # A tibble: 217 × 2
#>    country                 n
#>    <chr>               <int>
#>  1 Afghanistan            62
#>  2 Albania                62
#>  3 Algeria                62
#>  4 American Samoa         62
#>  5 Andorra                62
#>  6 Angola                 62
#>  7 Antigua and Barbuda    62
#>  8 Argentina              62
#>  9 Armenia                62
#> 10 Aruba                  62
#> # … with 207 more rows
#> # ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows
df_country |> count(year)
#> # A tibble: 62 × 2
#>     year     n
#>    <int> <int>
#>  1  1960   216
#>  2  1961   216
#>  3  1962   216
#>  4  1963   216
#>  5  1964   216
#>  6  1965   216
#>  7  1966   216
#>  8  1967   216
#>  9  1968   216
#> 10  1969   216
#> # … with 52 more rows
#> # ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

Step 2: Initialize an echart with timeline

We initialize an echart with timeline using echarts4r and group_by and assign to p variable. This will create an empty canvas with time slider. We also use jsonedit function from listviewer to see the nested list used by echarts. Note that we map country to x axis (where we will flip to y axis later).

p <- df_country |>
  group_by(year) |>
  e_charts(country, timeline = TRUE)


Step 3: Make a bar chart

Now, we make a bar plot using e_bar where we map pop to y-axis and then flip to x-axis using e_flip_coords for better visual. Note that realtimeSort uses for sorting as time change. label is for label the value at the right of each bar. We turn off legend because later we want to add color to represent continent.

p <- p |>
    realtimeSort = TRUE,
    legend = FALSE,
    label = list(
      show = TRUE,
      precision = 1,
      position = 'right'
  ) |>


Step 4: Adjust x and y axis

  • We add x-axis labels via e_x_axis.
  • We want to reorder by putting most population at the top of the chart by setting inverse = TRUE in e_y_axis.
  • The chart has too many countries, we will show only top 20 using max = 20 in e_y_axis.
  • Moreover, we can modify animation effect with animationDuration and animationDurationUpdate arguement in e_y_axis.
  • Last, we modify the margin of y-axis as country name is long using e_grid.
p <- p |>
    name = 'Population (mil.)',
    nameLocation = "end",
    nameGap = 20,
    nameTextStyle = list(align = "right")
  ) |>
    inverse = TRUE,
    max = 20,
    animationDuration = 150,
    animationDurationUpdate = 150,
  ) |>
  e_grid(left = 120, bottom = 80)

Step 5: Assign color to continent and create a legend

We follow the approach from my previous post using custom e_add_value function to assign continent to colors.

# define colors
continent_colors <- c(
  "Asia" = "#ff5872",
  "Europe" = "#00d5e9",
  "Africa" = "#009f3d",
  "Americas" = "#fac61b",
  "Oceania" = "#442288"

# define e_add_value
e_add_value <- function(e, ...) {
  for (i in seq_along(e$x$data)) {
    # extract data to be added
    data <- e$x$data[[i]] |>
      dplyr::select(...) |>
      apply(1, as.list)

    for (j in seq_along(data)) {
      data_append <- data[[j]] |> unname()
      if (!e$x$tl) { # if timeline is not used
        # get data from current echart object
        data_origin <- e$x$opts$series[[i]]$data[[j]][["value"]]
        # append data from selection
        data_new <- list(data_origin, data_append) |> flatten() |> list()
        # assign to echart object
        e$x$opts$series[[i]]$data[[j]]["value"] <- data_new
      } else { # if timeline is used
        # get data from current echart object
        data_origin <- e$x$opts$options[[i]]$series[[1]]$data[[j]][["value"]]
        # append data from selection
        data_new <- list(data_origin, data_append) |> flatten() |> list()
        # assign to echart object
        e$x$opts$options[[i]]$series[[1]]$data[[j]]["value"] <- data_new   

Apply e_add_value to change color by continent

p <- p |>
  e_add_value(continent) |>
    type = "piecewise", # discrete/categorial variable
    dimension = 2, # in java first element start with 0
    categories = names(continent_colors), # label
    inRange = list(color = unname(continent_colors)), # hex color
    orient = "horizontal", # apperance
    top = "5%", # apperance
    left = "center" # apperance

One limitation of using visual_map feature is we could not dynamically filter data because it only disable visual from the chart. It could be a way(s) to dynamically choose continent(s) of interest using echarts but I still could not find a way yet. However, one possible solution is to add a html input to filter data before putting it into echarts.

Step 6: Customize time slider and animation

We can customize behavior and apperance of time slider using e_timeline_opts function and we adjust animation effect using e_animation function.

p <- p |>
    axisType = "category",
    autoPlay = FALSE,
    orient = "horizontal",
    playInterval = 300,
    symbolSize = 8,
    left = "center",
    width = "90%",
    loop = FALSE
  ) |>
    duration = 300,
    duration.update = 300,
    easing = "linear",
    easing.update = "linear"

Step 7: Polish the chart

There are a couple things to improve the chart.

  • We will add a chart title.
  • We will annotate each time frame with information about year of the data.
  • We will annotate each time frame with information about total population.
  • We add toolbox for saving image using e_toolbox_feature.

Again, We follow the approach from my previous post using custom e_title_timeline function to assign title for each time frame. We create three lists including

  • main title
  • year
  • total population of each year
# define e_title_timeline function
e_title_timeline <- function (e, title) {
  # loop over group_by data
  for (i in 1:length(e$x$opts$options)) {
    # append original title with new title
    e$x$opts$options[[i]][["title"]] <- append(
      e$x$opts$options[[i]][["title"]], title[i]

# main title
title_main <- map(
  as.character(df_country$year) |> unique(),
  function(x) {
      text = paste0("Population of top 20 countries in ", x),
      left = "0%",
      top = "0%",
      textStyle = list(fontSize = 18)

# time title for annotation
title_year <- map(
  as.character(df_country$year) |> unique(),
  function(x) {
      text = x,
      right = "15%", 
      bottom = "25%",
      textStyle = list(
        color = "#b5b5b5",
        fontSize = 60

# time title for total population
title_popsize <- map(
  as.character(df_world$year) |> unique(),
  function(x) {
      text = paste(
        "Total: ",
          df_world |> filter(year == x) |> pull(pop),
          nsmall = 0, big.mark = ","
      right = "15%", 
      bottom = "22%",
      textStyle = list(
        color = "#b5b5b5",
        fontweight = 200,
        fontSize = 16

Add titles and toolbox to the chart.

p <- p |>
  e_title_timeline(title = title_main) |>
  e_title_timeline(title = title_year) |>
  e_title_timeline(title = title_popsize) |>
  e_toolbox_feature(feature = c("saveAsImage"))

Put it all together

# load libraries 
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
library(tidyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
library(purrr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

# data preparation
df <- WDI(indicator = "SP.POP.TOTL", extra = TRUE) |>
  rename(pop = SP.POP.TOTL) |>
  as_tibble() |>
  mutate(pop = round(pop/1e6, 0)) |>

df_world <- df |> filter(iso2c == "1W")

df_country <- df |>
  filter(region != "Aggregates") |>
  drop_na(pop) |>
  left_join(codelist[, c("iso2c", "continent")], by = "iso2c")

df_country <- df_country |>
  mutate(continent = if_else(, "Europe", continent))

# define colors
continent_colors <- c(
  "Asia" = "#ff5872",
  "Europe" = "#00d5e9",
  "Africa" = "#009f3d",
  "Americas" = "#fac61b",
  "Oceania" = "#442288"

# helper functions
e_add_value <- function(e, ...) {
  for (i in seq_along(e$x$data)) {
    # extract data to be added
    data <- e$x$data[[i]] |>
      dplyr::select(...) |>
      apply(1, as.list)

    for (j in seq_along(data)) {
      data_append <- data[[j]] |> unname()
      if (!e$x$tl) { # if timeline is not used
        # get data from current echart object
        data_origin <- e$x$opts$series[[i]]$data[[j]][["value"]]
        # append data from selection
        data_new <- list(data_origin, data_append) |> flatten() |> list()
        # assign to echart object
        e$x$opts$series[[i]]$data[[j]]["value"] <- data_new
      } else { # if timeline is used
        # get data from current echart object
        data_origin <- e$x$opts$options[[i]]$series[[1]]$data[[j]][["value"]]
        # append data from selection
        data_new <- list(data_origin, data_append) |> flatten() |> list()
        # assign to echart object
        e$x$opts$options[[i]]$series[[1]]$data[[j]]["value"] <- data_new   

e_title_timeline <- function (e, title) {
  # loop over group_by data
  for (i in 1:length(e$x$opts$options)) {
    # append original title with new title
    e$x$opts$options[[i]][["title"]] <- append(
      e$x$opts$options[[i]][["title"]], title[i]

# create main title
title_main <- map(
  as.character(df_country$year) |> unique(),
  function(x) {
      text = paste0("Population of top 20 countries in ", x),
      left = "0%",
      top = "0%",
      textStyle = list(fontSize = 18)

# create time title for annotation
title_year <- map(
  as.character(df_country$year) |> unique(),
  function(x) {
      text = x,
      right = "15%", 
      bottom = "25%",
      textStyle = list(
        color = "#b5b5b5",
        fontSize = 60

# create time title for total population
title_popsize <- map(
  as.character(df_world$year) |> unique(),
  function(x) {
      text = paste(
        "Total: ",
          df_world |> filter(year == x) |> pull(pop),
          nsmall = 0, big.mark = ","
      right = "15%", 
      bottom = "22%",
      textStyle = list(
        color = "#b5b5b5",
        fontweight = 200,
        fontSize = 16

# make a chart
p <- df_country |>
  group_by(year) |>
  e_charts(country, timeline = TRUE) |>
    realtimeSort = TRUE,
    legend = FALSE,
    label = list(
      show = TRUE,
      precision = 1,
      position = 'right'
  ) |>
  e_flip_coords() |>
    name = 'Population (mil.)',
    nameLocation = "end",
    nameGap = 20,
    nameTextStyle = list(align = "right")
  ) |>
    inverse = TRUE,
    max = 20,
    animationDuration = 150,
    animationDurationUpdate = 150,
  ) |>
  e_grid(left = 120, bottom = 80) |>
  e_add_value(continent) |>
    type = "piecewise",
    dimension = 2,
    categories = names(continent_colors),
    inRange = list(color = unname(continent_colors)),
    orient = "horizontal",
    top = "5%",
    left = "center"
  ) |>
    axisType = "category",
    autoPlay = FALSE,
    orient = "horizontal",
    playInterval = 300,
    symbolSize = 8,
    left = "center",
    width = "90%",
    loop = FALSE
  ) |>
    duration = 300,
    duration.update = 300,
    easing = "linear",
    easing.update = "linear"
  ) |>
  e_title_timeline(title = title_main) |>
  e_title_timeline(title = title_year) |>
  e_title_timeline(title = title_popsize) |>
  e_toolbox_feature(feature = c("saveAsImage"))