How to make an animated population pyramid using R and echarts

A walkthrough of how to make an animated population pyramid using R and echarts.


Piyayut Chitchumnong


September 3, 2022


In the previous posts, I show how to make animated charts using R, echarts and echarts4r package including

In this post, I will show how to make an animated population pyramid where we want to show how population structure of Japan has changed overtime. We will see that Thailand has become aging society where government should be prepare for this.

Let’s make the graph.

Step 0: Load packages

First, we load required R packages as follows

library(WDI) # gapminder data
library(echarts4r) # make echarts using R
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) # data manipulation
library(tidyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) # handling na
library(stringr) #string manipulation
library(purrr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) # functional programming

Step 1: Data Preparation

We use WDI package to download data from world bank.

First, World Bank data put data in seperated indicator i.e. SP.POP.0014.FE.5Y represents Population ages 0-4, female (% of female population) where SP.POP means population, 0004 means age span from 0-4, FE means female (MA = male), 5Y means 5 years span. Please see this link for example. As we want to get all age spans for both female and female, we construct a list of all indicators. The code used to generate indicators is shown below. Note that 80UP is for age span that 80 years old and older.

age_span <- paste0(
  begin = seq(0, 80, by = 5) |> str_pad(2, pad = "0"),
  end = c(seq(4, 79, by = 5) |> str_pad(2, pad = "0"), "UP")

gender <- c("FE", "MA")

indicators <- expand_grid(age_span, gender) |>
  mutate(indicator = paste0("SP.POP.", age_span, ".", gender, ".5Y")) |>

#>  [1] "SP.POP.0004.FE.5Y" "SP.POP.0004.MA.5Y" "SP.POP.0509.FE.5Y"
#>  [4] "SP.POP.0509.MA.5Y" "SP.POP.1014.FE.5Y" "SP.POP.1014.MA.5Y"
#>  [7] "SP.POP.1519.FE.5Y" "SP.POP.1519.MA.5Y" "SP.POP.2024.FE.5Y"
#> [10] "SP.POP.2024.MA.5Y" "SP.POP.2529.FE.5Y" "SP.POP.2529.MA.5Y"
#> [13] "SP.POP.3034.FE.5Y" "SP.POP.3034.MA.5Y" "SP.POP.3539.FE.5Y"
#> [16] "SP.POP.3539.MA.5Y" "SP.POP.4044.FE.5Y" "SP.POP.4044.MA.5Y"
#> [19] "SP.POP.4549.FE.5Y" "SP.POP.4549.MA.5Y" "SP.POP.5054.FE.5Y"
#> [22] "SP.POP.5054.MA.5Y" "SP.POP.5559.FE.5Y" "SP.POP.5559.MA.5Y"
#> [25] "SP.POP.6064.FE.5Y" "SP.POP.6064.MA.5Y" "SP.POP.6569.FE.5Y"
#> [28] "SP.POP.6569.MA.5Y" "SP.POP.7074.FE.5Y" "SP.POP.7074.MA.5Y"
#> [31] "SP.POP.7579.FE.5Y" "SP.POP.7579.MA.5Y" "SP.POP.80UP.FE.5Y"
#> [34] "SP.POP.80UP.MA.5Y"

Next, we download data using WDI function from WDI package.

df_raw <- WDI(country = "JP", indicator = indicators) |> as_tibble()

The data is in wide format as each indicator has its own column. To make the chart, we need to reshape our data into long format where we have a column indicating gender and another column indicating age span. We use pivot_longer and pivot_wider from tidyr package as follows.

df <- df_raw |>
  pivot_longer(-c(1:3)) |>
  filter(year >= 1980) |>
    value = round(value, 2),
    gender = ifelse(str_detect(name, "FE"), "female", "male"),
    age_span = case_when(
      str_detect(name, "0004") ~ "0-4",
      str_detect(name, "0509") ~ "5-9",
      str_detect(name, "1014") ~ "10-14",
      str_detect(name, "1519") ~ "15-19",
      str_detect(name, "2024") ~ "20-24",
      str_detect(name, "2529") ~ "25-29",
      str_detect(name, "3034") ~ "30-34",
      str_detect(name, "3539") ~ "35-39",
      str_detect(name, "4044") ~ "40-44",
      str_detect(name, "4549") ~ "45-49",
      str_detect(name, "5054") ~ "50-54",
      str_detect(name, "5559") ~ "55-59",
      str_detect(name, "6064") ~ "60-64",
      str_detect(name, "6569") ~ "65-69",
      str_detect(name, "7074") ~ "70-74",
      str_detect(name, "7579") ~ "75-79",
      str_detect(name, "80UP") ~ "80+"
  ) |>
    c("year", "age_span"),
    names_from = "gender",
    values_from = "value"

#> # A tibble: 714 × 4
#>     year age_span female  male
#>    <dbl> <chr>     <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1  1980 0-4        7.03  7.6 
#>  2  1980 5-9        8.29  8.94
#>  3  1980 10-14      7.38  7.94
#>  4  1980 15-19      6.75  7.28
#>  5  1980 20-24      6.57  7.04
#>  6  1980 25-29      7.65  8.18
#>  7  1980 30-34      8.95  9.45
#>  8  1980 35-39      7.73  8.01
#>  9  1980 40-44      7.02  7.26
#> 10  1980 45-49      6.8   6.89
#> # … with 704 more rows

Step 2: Initialize an echart with timeline

We initialize an echart with timeline using echarts4r and group_by and assign to p variable. This will create an empty canvas with time slider. Note that we fix chart’s width and height for full control.

p <- df |>
  group_by(year) |>
  e_charts(age_span, timeline = TRUE, width = 700, height = 450)


Step 3: Make a bar chart

Now, we make bar charts using e_bar one for female and one for male. We set different x_index and y_index for each gender as we will later assign them to different grid. We also use e_flip_coords to convert vertical bar into horizontal bar.

p <- p |>
    female, x_index = 0, y_index = 0,
    barWidth = "90%", itemStyle = list(color = "#CC6594")
  ) |>
    male, x_index = 1, y_index = 1,
    barWidth = "90%", itemStyle = list(color = "#347DC1")
  ) |>


Step 4: Turn the chart into two grids

Next, we turn our chart canva into two grids using e_grid function. We set width to 40% for each grid. Where we use 5% for plot margin of each side, and 10% in the middle for age span label.

p <- p |>
    width = "40%",
    top = "15%", right = "55%", bottom = "15%"
  ) |>
    width = "40%",
    top = "15%", left = "55%", bottom = "15%"
  ) |>
  e_legend(show = FALSE)


Step 5: Make a pyramid chart

We already have two grid, now we can assign our bar charts into specific grid. We modify orginal e_axis function to account for timeline chart and call it e_axis_2 as follows.

e_axis_2 <- function (
  e, serie = NULL, axis = c("x", "y", "z"), index = 0, 
  formatter = NULL, margin = 0, ...) 
    if (missing(e)) {
        stop("missing e", call. = FALSE)
    axis <- echarts4r:::.r2axis(axis[1])
    r.index <- index + 1
    # we adjust this code chunk to take timeline into account. 
    if (!e$x$tl) {
      max <- length(e$x$opts[[axis]])
    else {
      max <- length(e$x$opts$baseOption[[axis]])
    # end of code modification
    attrs <- list(...)
    if (!is.null(serie)) {
        dat <- .get_data(e, serie)
        if (inherits(dat, "numeric") || inherits(dat, "integer")) {
            rng <- range(dat)
            attrs$min <- rng[1] - margin
            attrs$max <- rng[2] + margin
    if (!is.null(formatter)) {
        attrs$axisLabel$formatter <- formatter
    if (!length(attrs)) {
        stop("no attribute", call. = FALSE)
    if (r.index > max) {
        r.index <- 1
    if (!e$x$tl) {
        dp <- echarts4r:::.list_depth(e$x$opts[[axis]])
    else {
        dp <- echarts4r:::.list_depth(e$x$opts$baseOption[[axis]])
    if (dp >= 2) {
        for (i in seq_along(attrs)) {
            arg <- names(attrs)[i]
            if (!e$x$tl) {
                e$x$opts[[axis]][[r.index]][[arg]] <- attrs[[i]]
            else {
                e$x$opts$baseOption[[axis]][[r.index]][[arg]] <- attrs[[i]]
    else {
        for (i in seq_along(attrs)) {
            arg <- names(attrs)[i]
            if (!e$x$tl) {
                e$x$opts[[axis]][[arg]] <- attrs[[i]]
            else {
                e$x$opts$baseOption[[axis]][[arg]] <- attrs[[i]]

We then apply e_axis_2 to assign index = 0 to gridIndex = 0 and index = 1 to gridIndex = 1. Note that index we assign when we construct bar chart using e_bar in step 3. We inverse x axis of index 0 to make a bar chart goes from right to left. Another note is about axisLabel we vertical and horizontal align and we set margin = 35 which is half of 10% of chart’s width (700px).

p <- p |>
    axis = "x", index = 0, gridIndex = 0,
    show = TRUE, inverse = TRUE,
    min = 0, max = 15
  ) |>
    axis = "x", index = 1, gridIndex = 1,
    show = TRUE, inverse = FALSE,
    min = 0, max = 15
  ) |>
    axis = "y", index = 0, gridIndex = 0,
    show = TRUE,
    axisTick = list(show = TRUE, inside = TRUE),
    axisLabel = list(show = FALSE)
  ) |>
    axis = "y", index = 1, gridIndex = 1,
    show = TRUE,
    axisTick = list(show = TRUE),
    axisLabel = list(
      align = "center", verticalAlign = "center", margin = 35


Step 6: Customize time slider and animation

We customize behavior and apperance of time slider using e_timeline_opts function and we adjust animation effect using e_animation function.

p <- p |>
    axisType = "category",
    autoPlay = FALSE,
    orient = "horizontal",
    playInterval = 400,
    symbolSize = 8,
    label = list(interval = 4),
    left = "center",
    width = "90%",
    loop = FALSE
  ) |>
    duration.update = 400,
    easing.update = "linear"


Step 7: Add tooltip

We add information popup when we hover on each bar. We can add tooltip information using e_tooltip together with JS function from htmlwidgets package.

p <- p |>
    trigger = "item",
    formatter = htmlwidgets::JS("
          '<strong>' + 'Age: ' + '</strong>' + + ' years' + '<br />' +
          '<strong>' + 'Share: ' + '</strong>' + params.value[0].toLocaleString(
            'en-US', {maximumFractionDigits: 2}) + '%'


Step 8: Polish the chart

There are a couple things to improve the chart.

  • We will add a chart title.
  • We will annotate each time frame with information about year of the data.
  • We add toolbox for saving image using e_toolbox_feature.
  • We add female and male icons for innotation purpose.

Text Annotation Again, We follow the approach from my previous post using custom e_title_timeline function to assign title for each time frame. We create three lists including

  • main title
  • year
# create e_title_timeline 
e_title_timeline <- function(e, title) {
  # loop over group_by data
  for (i in 1:length(e$x$opts$options)) {
    # append original title with new title
    e$x$opts$options[[i]][["title"]] <- append(
      e$x$opts$options[[i]][["title"]], title[i]

# create a list of years
list_year <- as.character(df$year) |> unique()

# create main title
title_main <- map(
  function(x) {
      text = paste0("Japan Population by Age and Gender"),
      subtext = "(Data Source: World Bank)",
      left = "center",
      top = "0%",
      textStyle = list(fontSize = 20)

# create time title for annotation
title_year <- map(
  function(x) {
      text = x,
      right = "7%",
      top = "70%",
      textStyle = list(fontSize = 32)

Icon Annotation

e_graphic_elem <- function (e, elem, ...)
    opts <- list(type = elem, ...)    
    if (!e$x$tl) {
      e$x$opts$graphic <- list(e$x$opts$graphic, opts)
    else {
      if(length(e$x$opts$baseOption$graphic) == 0){
        e$x$opts$baseOption$graphic <- list(opts)
      } else {
        e$x$opts$baseOption$graphic <- append(

Finally, we add titile, toolbox and icons to the chart.

p <- p |>
  e_title_timeline(title = title_main) |>
  e_title_timeline(title = title_year) |>
  e_toolbox_feature(feature = c("saveAsImage")) |>
    elem = "image",
    id = "female",
    left = "7%",
    top = "15%",
    z = -999,
    style = list(
      image = "",
      height = 60
  ) |>
    elem = "image",
    id = "male",
    right = "7%",
    top = "15%",
    z = -999,
    style = list(
      image = "",
      height = 60
  ) |>
    elem = "image",
    id = "flag",
    left = "10%",
    top = "1%",
    z = -999,
    style = list(
      image = "",
      height = 40


Put it all together

# load libraries
library(WDI) # gapminder data
library(echarts4r) # make echarts using R
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) # data manipulation
library(tidyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) # handling na
library(stringr) #string manipulation
library(purrr, warn.conflicts = FALSE) # functional programming

# data preparation
age_span <- paste0(
  begin = seq(0, 80, by = 5) |> str_pad(2, pad = "0"),
  end = c(seq(4, 79, by = 5) |> str_pad(2, pad = "0"), "UP")

gender <- c("FE", "MA")

indicators <- expand_grid(age_span, gender) |>
  mutate(indicator = paste0("SP.POP.", age_span, ".", gender, ".5Y")) |>

df_raw <- WDI(country = "JP", indicator = indicators) |> as_tibble()

df <- df_raw |>
  pivot_longer(-c(1:3)) |>
  filter(year >= 1980) |>
    value = round(value, 2),
    gender = ifelse(str_detect(name, "FE"), "female", "male"),
    age_span = case_when(
      str_detect(name, "0004") ~ "0-4",
      str_detect(name, "0509") ~ "5-9",
      str_detect(name, "1014") ~ "10-14",
      str_detect(name, "1519") ~ "15-19",
      str_detect(name, "2024") ~ "20-24",
      str_detect(name, "2529") ~ "25-29",
      str_detect(name, "3034") ~ "30-34",
      str_detect(name, "3539") ~ "35-39",
      str_detect(name, "4044") ~ "40-44",
      str_detect(name, "4549") ~ "45-49",
      str_detect(name, "5054") ~ "50-54",
      str_detect(name, "5559") ~ "55-59",
      str_detect(name, "6064") ~ "60-64",
      str_detect(name, "6569") ~ "65-69",
      str_detect(name, "7074") ~ "70-74",
      str_detect(name, "7579") ~ "75-79",
      str_detect(name, "80UP") ~ "80+"
  ) |>
    c("year", "age_span"),
    names_from = "gender",
    values_from = "value"

# define helper functions
# e_axis_2: assign axis to a grid
e_axis_2 <- function (
  e, serie = NULL, axis = c("x", "y", "z"), index = 0, 
  formatter = NULL, margin = 0, ...) 
    if (missing(e)) {
        stop("missing e", call. = FALSE)
    axis <- echarts4r:::.r2axis(axis[1])
    r.index <- index + 1
    # we adjust this code chunk to take timeline into account. 
    if (!e$x$tl) {
      max <- length(e$x$opts[[axis]])
    else {
      max <- length(e$x$opts$baseOption[[axis]])
    # end of code modification
    attrs <- list(...)
    if (!is.null(serie)) {
        dat <- .get_data(e, serie)
        if (inherits(dat, "numeric") || inherits(dat, "integer")) {
            rng <- range(dat)
            attrs$min <- rng[1] - margin
            attrs$max <- rng[2] + margin
    if (!is.null(formatter)) {
        attrs$axisLabel$formatter <- formatter
    if (!length(attrs)) {
        stop("no attribute", call. = FALSE)
    if (r.index > max) {
        r.index <- 1
    if (!e$x$tl) {
        dp <- echarts4r:::.list_depth(e$x$opts[[axis]])
    else {
        dp <- echarts4r:::.list_depth(e$x$opts$baseOption[[axis]])
    if (dp >= 2) {
        for (i in seq_along(attrs)) {
            arg <- names(attrs)[i]
            if (!e$x$tl) {
                e$x$opts[[axis]][[r.index]][[arg]] <- attrs[[i]]
            else {
                e$x$opts$baseOption[[axis]][[r.index]][[arg]] <- attrs[[i]]
    else {
        for (i in seq_along(attrs)) {
            arg <- names(attrs)[i]
            if (!e$x$tl) {
                e$x$opts[[axis]][[arg]] <- attrs[[i]]
            else {
                e$x$opts$baseOption[[axis]][[arg]] <- attrs[[i]]

# create e_title_timeline 
e_title_timeline <- function(e, title) {
  for (i in 1:length(e$x$opts$options)) {
    e$x$opts$options[[i]][["title"]] <- append(
      e$x$opts$options[[i]][["title"]], title[i]

# create a list of years
list_year <- as.character(df$year) |> unique()

# create main title
title_main <- map(
  function(x) {
      text = paste0("Japan Population by Age and Gender"),
      subtext = "(Data Source: World Bank)",
      left = "center",
      top = "0%",
      textStyle = list(fontSize = 20)

# create time title for annotation
title_year <- map(
  function(x) {
      text = x,
      right = "7%",
      top = "70%",
      textStyle = list(fontSize = 32)

# add icon to the chart
e_graphic_elem <- function (e, elem, ...)
    opts <- list(type = elem, ...)    
    if (!e$x$tl) {
      e$x$opts$graphic <- list(e$x$opts$graphic, opts)
    else {
      if(length(e$x$opts$baseOption$graphic) == 0){
        e$x$opts$baseOption$graphic <- list(opts)
      } else {
        e$x$opts$baseOption$graphic <- append(

# make a plot
p <- df |>
  group_by(year) |>
  e_charts(age_span, timeline = TRUE, width = 700, height = 450) |>
    female, x_index = 0, y_index = 0,
    barWidth = "90%", itemStyle = list(color = "#CC6594")
  ) |>
    male, x_index = 1, y_index = 1,
    barWidth = "90%", itemStyle = list(color = "#347DC1")
  ) |>
  e_flip_coords() |>
    width = "40%",
    top = "15%", right = "55%", bottom = "15%"
  ) |>
    width = "40%",
    top = "15%", left = "55%", bottom = "15%"
  ) |>
  e_legend(show = FALSE) |>
    axis = "x", index = 0, gridIndex = 0,
    show = TRUE, inverse = TRUE,
    min = 0, max = 15
  ) |>
    axis = "x", index = 1, gridIndex = 1,
    show = TRUE, inverse = FALSE,
    min = 0, max = 15
  ) |>
    axis = "y", index = 0, gridIndex = 0,
    show = TRUE,
    axisTick = list(show = TRUE, inside = TRUE),
    axisLabel = list(show = FALSE)
  ) |>
    axis = "y", index = 1, gridIndex = 1,
    show = TRUE,
    axisTick = list(show = TRUE),
    axisLabel = list(
      align = "center", verticalAlign = "center", margin = 35
  ) |>
    axisType = "category",
    autoPlay = FALSE,
    orient = "horizontal",
    playInterval = 400,
    symbolSize = 8,
    label = list(interval = 4),
    left = "center",
    width = "90%",
    loop = FALSE
  ) |>
    duration.update = 400,
    easing.update = "linear"
  ) |>
    trigger = "item",
    formatter = htmlwidgets::JS("
          '<strong>' + 'Age: ' + '</strong>' + + ' years' + '<br />' +
          '<strong>' + 'Share: ' + '</strong>' + params.value[0].toLocaleString(
            'en-US', {maximumFractionDigits: 2}) + '%'
  ) |>
  e_title_timeline(title = title_main) |>
  e_title_timeline(title = title_year) |>
  e_toolbox_feature(feature = c("saveAsImage")) |>
    elem = "image",
    id = "female",
    left = "7%",
    top = "15%",
    z = -999,
    style = list(
      image = "",
      height = 60
  ) |>
    elem = "image",
    id = "male",
    right = "7%",
    top = "15%",
    z = -999,
    style = list(
      image = "",
      height = 60
  ) |>
    elem = "image",
    id = "flag",
    left = "10%",
    top = "1%",
    z = -999,
    style = list(
      image = "",
      height = 40